Statement From Hillingdon Labour Group

Hillingdon Labour Group stand united with our local communities and call on the UK Government and Labour Party leadership to support a peaceful resolution resulting in a ceasefire on all sides, protecting civilians in both Gaza and Israel.

Our Labour values of equality, justice and shared humanity bind us together. There can never be any justification for the denial of basic human necessities such as food, water and electricity that we are witnessing in Gaza.

We are in a state of shock at the horrors that unfolded on 7th October in Israel and the subsequent blockade and death toll in Gaza is heartbreaking. All hostages must be released immediately.

It is vital, International law is adhered to, humanitarian corridors are opened in Gaza for all those fleeing violence, and that vital aid can be distributed to the civilian population in Gaza.

Locally, we stand with all our communities at this time of deep grief and anxiety. Hillingdon must never be a place where hatred can flourish.

We are aware of the impacts the events in the Middle East are having on both our Jewish and Muslim residents. Therefore on behalf of our residents we urge the UK Government and Labour Party to engage in a serious peace process which delivers safe and secure states of Palestine and Israel living side by side peacefully.


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